HPC for Banks and Insurance, hpc and rendering, game development, suurteholaskentaa yrityksille

Aura Computing - Here to Empower You!

Lift intensive processes off your workstations and save resources for more productive work

The cloud-based and secure Aura Computing empowers your business with high-performance computing (HPC) services usually only available to corporates, universities, and research projects. You will save time and hand over the work to the customer faster, improving job circulation and business profitability.

Besides saving money and speeding up your work pipeline, Aura Computing is committed to genuinely sustainable development. Our fully carbon-neutral HPC services offer environmental friendliness while maintaining high performance. Our data center doesn’t consume water due to our innovative cooling system.

We improve productivity with cost-effective, high-performance computing!

HPC for Banks and Insurance, hpc and rendering, game development, suurteholaskentaa yrityksille

Discover the advantages of collaborating with us!

  • Deep understanding of your industry and business; we are business people who know technology
  • Personal and relevant service to you; not some faceless global corporation
  • Sustainability of our service is already taken care of on your behalf; ensuring CO2 reporting, compliance, and clean conscience
  • Safe and secure cloud data center in a dependable country;
    minimal business risks to you
  • Simple and cost-effective pricing model; our pricing is based on how much you use with minimal OPEX and no CAPEX investment is required
HPC for Banks and Insurance, hpc and rendering, game development, suurteholaskentaa yrityksille

Scalable service with over 70 000 CPU & GPU cores available

The waste heat generated from the data centers is reused to heat properties in cold countries. Our data centers are mainly in Finland and France. Finland is one of the safest locations in the world (with minimal physical, geographical, and political risks).

Secure data centers with controlled and monitored access in a secluded location

Physical and digital asset protection and tracking; ISO 27001 and HDS certifications; NDA available per request; Private file servers and connection tunnels available in Finland

HPC for Banks and Insurance, hpc and rendering, game development, suurteholaskentaa yrityksille
HPC for Banks and Insurance, hpc and rendering, game development, suurteholaskentaa yrityksille

Save time and speed up work turnaround time

With the help of Aura Computing service, you can lift resource-intensive processes off your workstations. This frees up the workstation and the employee for more productive work. In addition, the cloud computing service calculates jobs much faster than even powerful workstations.

Care about nature

Reducing your carbon footprint is a global objective and a significant challenge for the industry. With Aura Computing, you leave no carbon footprint and pave the way for a more sustainable future:

  • Access a unique, very low-carbon  infrastructure that reuses all IT waste heat in buildings 
  • Drastically reduce the environmental impact of your computing activities 
  • Benefit from a detailed CO2 report on each energy expense item, so you won’t have to guestimate 
  • Get results faster with affordable and transparent on-demand computing power

We will reduce your computing carbon footprint by up to 100%. 

HPC for Banks and Insurance, hpc and rendering, game development, suurteholaskentaa yrityksille

Get in touch with us today

Want to know more about specific industries? See RenderingBanking and Insurance, or Game Development pages for more details. 

Kindly provide your details and message in the form below, and we will promptly respond to your inquiry: